Monday, March 30, 2009


Do worship and intercession go together and is one impossible without the other?

Worship is the act of reverence, honor, homage, adorations.
Intercession is a prayer to God on behalf of another.

Clearly I can be worshipping and not be concerned with anyone else but God alone. But my intercessions cannot be separated from worship, I must be in reverence and in adoration of God if I seek to pray to Him.

In a sense prayer is a subcategory of worship along with praise, giving, repentance, etc. Worship can never be underestimated. I must pray in worship, praise in worship, repent in worship, give in worship.

"God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth" John 4:24.

God cannot be mocked. You cannot hide from Him. Bow before your Maker.

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