Sunday, April 26, 2009


I recently gave up my iphone. I decided to give it up because it was an unnecessary extravagance that I do not need or I should have in my current situation. Fortunately I sold it for almost the price I paid for it minus the data plan expenses for the two and a half months I've had it. It was pretty cool for the time I had it but it soon got to be more of a distraction and was starting to get old and not so fun.

I also sold it because the third generation iphone will be coming this June/July and the value of the iphone I had would have dropped significantly that it would have been nearly impossible to sell it at the price I sold it. There are rumors that Apple might reveal a high end and a low end iphone but we shall see. Depending on what Apple does reveal, I might consider getting back in the iphone action if the price is good enough.

I really do not consider myself an Apple addict. I did switch to a Macbook last year because I heard how much of a problem Windows Vista became for those who bought new computers installed with it. I wanted to avoid all the headache and decided to switch over to Apple. My experience so far with Apple has been alright. Here are my pros and cons thus far.


1. It looks good on the inside and outside.

The Macbook looks very attractive compared to any PC. The user interface also looks really nice and I like it a lot. The hardware and software looks seamlessly beautiful and only Apple can pull off something like this.

2. Some applications and features are very helpful and productive.

I am a big fan of web safari browser. It is really fast and it has really grown on me so much so that I have abandoned firefox. I also like the widgets and spaces because they are so useful in organizing and managing my desktop and getting things done.

3. It is fast considering how many things I run simultaneously.

I am pleased with the speed and capacity of my Macbook to handle all the programs I run and still manage to run things almost smoothly as possible. I usually have my web safari open, my iCal on my dock, my financial excel sheet open, and itunes running all the time from the moment my computer is on. Then I go about taking care of other business without closing any programs.

4. The compatibility with the iphone while I had it was amazing and incredibly user-friendly.

The compatibility of my iphone with my Macbook was the best thing I discovered about Apple products. They are seamless in integrating all products. It was as if my iphone was my Macbook gone mobile. All the updates were automatic and hassle free. I was very impressed and it made it that much harder for me to give up the iphone.


1. Many applications do not have Mac versions.

I cannot use certain programs I would like to use because there is no Mac version and there never will be. I miss having the flexibility to search for software to do specific things that are not widely available, installing them and executing whatever task I wanted to do. In that way, Macs are constraining.

2. The OS is difficult to get around outside of the typical user-friendly applications.

It took me some time to figure out how to do simple things that I typically do on PCs intuitively. Outside of the normal uses and applications on Macs, it is definitely confusing to get around the OS, searching for things or figuring out what these files do.

3. It is a hassle to backup stuff onto my hard drive because it is not in FAT format.

I have not been able to back up my files on my Macbook to my hard drive because it is not in a compatible format. I'm too lazy to make changes to it to make it work. I hope my Mac doesn't crash because I never figured out how to use the Time Machine applications either.

Overall, I like my experience with Apple but I do miss the PC once in a while. I think if I had to get a brand new computer right now, I would go with a PC. The premium I pay for Apple products isn't as valuable as it use to be when I was getting to know Apple.

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