Thursday, April 2, 2009

Being Spiritual

I'm really blessed by my bosses at work. I'm really undeserving of a lot of things they have done for me. I've been pampered this week at work and it really makes me appreciate my bosses. They've been like surrogate mothers to me because I just do not have the chance to go home as frequently as I would like to. God has really provided for me, not just two jobs but these incredible relationships with my bosses that testify to His mercy and providence.

Both of my bosses are active in their separate Korean churches as much as I know. When I arrive at one of my workplaces, I will always find a korean daily bible devotional resting on the table that I often work off of. At first, it was annoying because she would leave all her stuff on the counter as well and I'd have to put them away elsewhere so that I can work off the counter. But now that I think about it, it really is an expression of her testimony that God is steadfast in her life every morning before work begins. Such a simple habit reflects how much God is a consistent part of her life and I'm encouraged by that.

That brings me to the devotional for today concerning spiritual things which really had me challenged and reflective on my own spiritual life and some changes that can sharpen my life of following Christ.

Today's devotion:

"The abiding characteristic of a spiritual man is the interpretation of the Lord Jesus Christ to himself, and the interpretation to others of the purposes of God. The one concentrated passion of the life is Jesus Christ. Whenever you meet this note in a man, you feel he is a man after God's own heart.

Never allow anything to deflect you from insight into Jesus Christ. It is the test of whether you are spiritual or not. To be unspiritual means that other things have a growing fascination for you."

I have grown accustom to discouraging spiritual talks or expressions especially when it comes to people who would feel uncomfortable around it. The reasoning behind it is that

1. It can get awkward
2. It can make them uncomfortable and in turn make the entire situation uncomfortable
3. It makes me look overtly righteous and superficially holy
4. It can make them avoid me in future encounters because of the rightly-so preconceived notion that all I care is about spiritual things

Unfortunately, I think I have taken this to the other extreme where I shun all spiritual expressions with some exceptions and I steer many who do so towards more "appropriate" conversations and comfortable situations.

I wholeheartedly agree with the theory behind this devotional passage. But how does this theory look in practice without violating the four points above?

Maybe the lesson is to be wise in spiritual expression WITHIN the context of a genuine relationship with a Christ follower OR a nonbeliever.

Sometimes this could still violate some of the four points I mentioned above but getting to a middle ground with wisdom and maturity is the important part.

I want my fascination with Jesus Christ to be unchallenged. Let Him be the concentrated passion of my life so that those who know me can understand God's own heart.

Chasing after the heart of God. Gotta catch up.

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