Monday, November 23, 2009

Calm Before the Storm

I ran across this picture while browsing through the Big Picture section on, giving credit where credit is due. Its a good illustration of my present moment, finals are coming over the horizon and they are hideous. These last three months have gone so fast, it feels like only yesterday when school started. Heading into this Thanksgiving break, there is so much that needs to be done, calling it a break is a word tease. But, I wouldn't want it any other way.

The theme of storm clouds always pops into my mind when I reflect on where Jesus has taken me so far. Nothing else seems to convey the same dichotomy, contrast of where I've been and where I am. It keeps me pondering how much things could be different if some people were not brought in my life and if some decisions were never made. But this is how Jesus desired it and to question His ways would be foolish. He does it the best way possible, He does not play dice, and He does not fall short in maximizing His glory.

Where do I go from here? haha... your guess is as good as mine. But I think the best plan of action is doing what I love and following my God-given passions. They have not failed me thus far which must mean I'm doing something right. One worry at a time, tomorrow has enough worries of its own. So the storm is coming in fast, time to hit the shelter, weather through another pounding. Wait for another sunshine, the journey's just begun.

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