Saturday, January 2, 2010

The New Year

"For the word of God is living and active"

What does it mean to be living and active? How is the word of God living? How is the word of God active? The word of God manifests itself beyond the pages on which it is written through the very sons and daughters of God. The word of God lives through people, it changes people, it makes people different. The community of believers is built on the foundation of the Word which is the demonstration of its power. It provides the fullness of life Jesus speaks of, the Word completes life because it brings purpose and passion. Jesus spoke two-thousand years ago and they cut down to the bone and marrow, heart and spirit to this very day, that is true power. Neither confined by space or time.

The word of God is active because it does not stay dormant. The word of God thrives among those who cry out for Jesus. The word of God does not rest upon the inactive but those who forcefully take hold of the kingdom of heaven. The word of God remains restless, it has lives to change and a commission to complete. The word of God must flow just as clean water does not remain still but flows and moves, constantly in motion to land somewhere.

These are the characteristics of the Word that I must revive in my life. What is the word of God? Is it living in you? Is it active around you? Is it working through you and does it refresh you with life? These are the questions I ought to ask this year concerning the my fundamental relationship with the Word. It's not what I know about it. It's everything about how much I value it. Do I live it, does the Word live in me and through me? Is my mind captured by the words of Jesus and the Spirit. May the Word never be stale but refreshing, replenishing my mind and heart with deeper, newer, meaningful experiences of the Holy Ghost. The past encounters are no substitutes for an encounter with God in the present.

Let's make it a good year. Let's make it all about Jesus.

Posted via web from chatter chatter

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