Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I recently received an email from a dear friend of mine and I am humbled by how blessed I am. In the mist of impossible circumstances, the LORD rebukes me for failing to bend my knees at His throne and lift my face up to His, who makes all things possible. Matthew 19:26

I was thinking about friends in my life at work today. I came to realize that I never really developed lasting friendships until I came to college. Truthfully, I never had a deep friendship with any high school friends other than two that I can think of and even those are being stretched by how distant our paths have become. It really dawned upon me that all my close friends that I continue to be intimate with are those I met in college. If there is any lesson I have learned that I treasure the most is that friends are the best, they are a gift from the Father in heaven.

The challenge for me these days has been to stay in touch with them even though I do not see most of them for months at a time. Thanks to facebook, email, gchat, the phone, the challenge isn't as much about what method I communicate with but how consistently communicating. This is where I am tested as to how much I really value my friendships. Will it be high school all over again where almost all relationships evaporated as I moved on to another chapter in my life? I'm hoping not. Maybe this is part of my maturity, me growing up. Personally, I have always had a hard time holding long-term relationships when people became distant enough. I realize I'm only 24 and that's not that much time on this earth to be testing the length of my friendships, I'm more concerned about the strength of my friendships and to continue going strong as the years pass by.

For now, I'm thankful that God has deepened the friendships I have made during college. I deeply value my friends and I hope that these brothers in Christ will continue to be a intimate part of my life for years to come.

Yes God, You are good.

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