Sunday, April 12, 2009


"If it is difficult to get right with God, it is because we will not decide definitely about sin."

Today is Easter. Easter has become acutely more special every year, perhaps because with age, there is a greater awareness of human sin. I have had some sobering realizations that my character has some serious flaws over the past few days. After all these years of lessons and rebukes, I still revisit most of them with ignorance and humiliation.

1. Immaturity

Over the past week, I've just said and done some foolish things for someone my age. I am 24. I behave like an teenager sometimes. There is no excuse. Stop thinking like a boy, shut up if I have nothing good to say, humor is no excuse for being stupid.

2. Carelessness

This past year actually, I've just utterly failed at making some decisions and it shows how much I lack wisdom. The worse part is I witness myself making the same failures consistently. Stop being a fool. I embarrass myself when I fail to adjust some simple habits and it has been detrimental to my witness as a follower of Jesus Christ.

3. Irresponsibility

When I have been depended on to be faithful, I have failed or tried but crashed and burned. Integrity is not just doing what I say, it is about completing what I said I would do and meeting or exceeding the expectation of what is asked of me. Integrity is 100% or it is not integrity. Stop being lazy and finish your commitment beyond expectation. Take responsibility now.

4. Pride

I've had some overestimations of myself. Too long have I been inflating my own abilities, my own maturity, my own capacity. Let's be sober. I'm not that great. I'm not that mature. I cannot handle that much responsibility. Who did I think I was? I am nothing. Now God can begin His work.

If you want to be a Godly man, you are nowhere near completion. You are still a boy that needs to learn a lot of important lessons. Stop stalling because you think there are special circumstances in your life. There are none that justifies failing to be a man, do not be a fool. You need to grow up.

Shut up.
Step up.
Man up.

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