Monday, August 10, 2009

Dear Publications Team

  People serve on ministry teams but this ministry team was no ordinary team to me, you were all like family. After five years of continuous service, this team became my team and I wanted the best for you and what we were meant to do together. I've partnered with all of you, in the past and present, to beautify the Church and by God's grace and we've come far; a gorgeous bride she is continuing to become. Unfortunately, I've seen many of you come and go, join and leave, simply because of the transitional nature of our church. And now as inevitable as it is, I am sad to say, it is my turn to step down.

  The reason I am stepping down is because God has convicted me of two things. First, I have been given an extraordinary opportunity within a limited time to finish school, (that in itself is another amazing story that is being written right now). Thus, I will be taking a heavy class load and I must reduce some of my commitments now. Second, I am committed to the brothers and sisters in Christ in Global Access. God has placed in me a heavy conviction to love and serve them and to devote myself to them. These are the reasons I cannot faithfully commit to all of you for this year. I could commit, but I cannot be faithful. And God desires to see commitments that are complete.

  I started Publications team in June of 2004. I remember my first team meeting at the Union with a handful of you who I barely knew, all of you in that past have now gone to different activities and different cities. I also remember the first project I was responsible for, the eyesore 2004 H-games web ad that always reminds me of my humble beginning. I'm pleased to say I've come a long way since then culminating with my final contributions this month. It took many years of exercising a special gift that God has created me with to have produced what I've made through this team. We have spent countless hours on photoshop and illustrator through the wee hours in the ugli and fishbowl, some late nights at kinkos, handful of meetings every semester, a handful of nights painting, and it was all worth it. It was always worth it. I do not regret a single moment of my service with you on this team because it was our worship to the Father.

  But I have regrets, I regret not giving more. I regret being less than the servant God demands me to be. I could have taken one more project so that some of you could free up your schedule but instead I would put myself first. I didn't want serving to infringe on my personal time. I regret not spending more time on all my projects to make them just perfect for display the next morning. Instead I would go home early because I was too tired, lazy or indifferent. And most of all, I regret not investing more into those of you on the team now, imparting to you all that I have experienced over these years. I have been deeply selfish with this precious gift God has lavished on me and the consequences are what I alone will be burdened with; for I have fallen so short in investing in the future of my team. I'm sorry to all of you to depart like this. As much as I have contributed to this team, I humbly confess I was far from perfect. I am still very much a sinner in need of extraordinary grace from God and you.

  And by such amazing grace, God has much greater things in stored for this team. I thank all of you who I've had the privilege of partnering with, to raise the banner of Christ Jesus, for all to see the majesty of our Lord. It has been a joy to be in the service of Christ with you. I am excited for all of you on the team now and those who will join. I envy what you will accomplish in your passionate pursuit of Christ. I implore you, worship God unceasingly as you serve through Publications team. With such convicting perspective, I know this to be true, that your best is yet to come.

To God be all the glory and praise~

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