Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gull Lake

Gull Lake is the retreat site of choice: beautiful lake (frozen ice-fishing style), comfty beds (queen size for my fat body), buffet food (made me gaseous), and GA (a rag-tag group of asians who would eat each other if not for Jesus).

It's been a while since I've been at a fulfilling retreat that doesn't leave you passed out from exhaustion. It's also been a while since I've been at a fulfilling retreat that leaves me feeling glad I did go because it was worth it. This retreat was worth it. I have five homeworks about to bury me alive, horrendous amount of class readings that haunt me in my sleep, the month of february makes me weak in my knees just thinking about it. And let me repeat what I just wrote, this retreat was worth it.

Gull Lake has been a magical place over the years, unforgettable and a spiritual birthplace for many. It never loses it's special touch and there is no question who does it. Jesus does not make bad people good, he makes dead people live. He makes dead people live. Ravi Zacharia spoke those words some time ago and I never came around to forgetting it. Jesus raises people, what a crazy thought. What a crazy truth.

I'm so bad with remember people's faces it's getting embarrassing. I have got to start listening to people when they introduce themselves, at the very least I got to get their names down. I'm scared my brain can't hold as many faces in memory these days as my cellphone can hold phone numbers. Maybe I'm getting the onset of short-term memory loss, freaky. C'mon neurons, do your job.

For the next two weeks, meat is a no-no. I could try a no-no with solid food but I'd faint and I would be a no-go, and school will become a uh-oh. Fasting just is not a strength of mine and I am not quite in a position to find the limits to that strength. So to all the cows, porks, chickens, crabs, shrimps, fishes, squids, whales, pandas out there, I'm keeping an eye on you. Don't get too comfortable, I'll eaten to extinction soon enough. 

Posted via email from chatter chatter

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