Friday, February 19, 2010


This morning, 1 Peter reads;

"All flesh is like grass, and all glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever."

The Word of the Lord remains forever.


A lot of things are running around in my head these days. Decisions,decisions, and more decisions. Waiting, waiting, and more waiting. Preparation here, preparation there. Finish this, start that, double check this, and repeat. All in all, I think my focus has been good and targeted, some convictions are solidifying. But it is always good to recalibrate my direction from what can be glimpsed at the farthest view.

God has revealed to me so much about myself I never knew, and to ignore such revelations would be utter disobedience. He does not show his children things for humor, he reveals things to his children because he has a purpose in mind for each child. God has spoken, he has revealed. Align my life to Your will, that is my prayer.

These are going to be some exciting days.

Posted via web from chatter chatter

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