Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sibby Art

I finally did it. What I should have done months ago.

My portfolio is up. woohooo! www.sungbumpark.com

Time to get me a job. Time to sell myself to the world.


In other news, not all 3 credit classes are equal. Some are as easy as snapping a twig.

Others are atrocious monsters that devour your weekend and spit you out when the weekday starts, all chewed up and a wreck.

Ugh why did I choose this class.


You know when your broke when the best things you look forward to is the next free meal of the week. Tomorrows got me all excited now.

Breakfast: Asiago cheese bagel tomorrow morning at 8:15 at the Alumni center

Lunch: Work, bring on the bibimbop

Dinner: Pizza and soda at 6 at the Alumni center networking session


I learned in my persuasion class that the average person can only keep attentive to seven things at any given moment.

1. Why am I blogging at this hour

2. I'm thirsty

3. Is my hair dry yet

4. My butts numb again

5. Econ 482 exam

6. Crap I need to study

7. Wow... finally.

Posted via web from chatter chatter

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