Sunday, February 7, 2010

Let's be frank

Especially when it comes to matters of opinion, why say regrettable things? Is it really necessary? is it worth it to expose yourself to artillery fire just cuz you dropped your water canteen in the middle of the field? Just don't do it.

Here's my point. Let me make it as crystal clear as possible.

I like Macs. Lots of people like Macs. Lots of people buy Macs and they like it and they buy lots of other Apple products. Clearly, people who hate on Macs are not convincing anyone I know. They are not convincing anyone because lots of people like Macs and they want Apple products and nothing Mac bashers say is convincing anyone. Macs are not inferior to PCs because it depends on what specifically is being referred to as inferior. I guess we could compare every PC part with every equivalent Mac part and somehow tally the points but let's be frank. No one buys a computer with a tally total of which computer has the most winning parts. It's the experience that makes people like Macs and lots of people who have experienced a Mac like it so stop flaunting your virus-infested Windows OS.

People don't like change but some changes are worth it. When people are afraid of change, they criticize it and spill all sorts of opinion and rumors they can because they don't like what is new and different. That is why Mac bashers are the loudest critics. To make my case, I do not know of any Mac user who bashes PCs as passionately as Mac critics. The children who kick and scream the loudest just cannot seem to get enough attention for themselves.

Stop hating on Macs, just let people use what they like.

Posted via web from chatter chatter

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